Turbo Leadership Systems

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September 6, 2011 Issue 346 To our clients and friends

"Run on the Banks"

Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

Put first things first and win!

Susie, project manager for a major construction company, told Session 4B of the Leadership Development Lab (LDL):

"On October 24, 1999, I let myself get talked into an event where you race to the top of the US Bank Tower and then dash over to the Wells Fargo Bank Tower to again run to the top floor. Each building is about 40 stories tall. To give you some perspective for why this event is significant to me, I'll share with you a little about myself growing up.

"I have two sisters, both of whom have metabolisms that just won't quit! Unfortunately, I don't, so while one sister pursued music and the other pursued socializing, I pursued sports. I competed in swimming early on, then in college, competed on the crew team, and after graduating with my engineering degree, I successfully completed in triathlons. When my husband and I moved to Portland, I began a new job and it seemed there just wasn't time to fit in the training required to be prepared to compete like I had in the past. So I quit competing because I didn't feel I had time to do the training required to achieve the level of performance I once enjoyed.

"Well, another gal in the office approached me last summer and told me about the "Run on the Banks" event and asked if I'd like to join our corporate team. I agreed. I trained through September and October for the event and it seems like all the training paid off. Believe me, the event was truly torturous, but I managed to win a beautiful crystal clock for being the top woman finisher – and I even beat a bunch of the boys!

"The lesson I learned from this experience is that all too often I let myself believe there just isn't enough time in the day anymore to achieve those goals that are important to me. I learned that if I can keep from talking myself out of trying, I can find ways to organize at higher levels and achieve more than at first seemed possible. The action I call you to is to aim high for goals that are important to you and don't let yourself fall prey to the excuse that there just isn't enough time.

"The benefit you'll receive is tremendous satisfaction when you achieve your goal. You'll look back on a life of achievement and success, not a life of "could of's," "should of's," and "would of's." You'll find that you can successfully reach your goals when you keep your efforts focused and your attitude positive."

The following is taken from Making Moments Matter - 89 Tools For Taking Charge of Your Time:

Not enough time
The most common excuse given for lack of accomplishment or achievement is: "I didn't have enough time." It is never true. The amount of time you have available does not change from day to day. What you accomplish is a function of how you use the available time, not of how much time you have.

Notice this: You always find time to do the things you are truly committed to. If you really want your lawn to be green and well trimmed, it will be. If you really want to play golf, then you use your time to play golf. Some people have a great lawn, go golfing and have spare time to relax in the hammock. Others never seem to get much done. What is the difference?

One distinction between time-wasters and those who get things done is, the "accomplishers" have overcome procrastination and disorganization by learning to appreciate the worth of their time. They plan their minutes, hours, and days in advance, making sure to schedule quality time with loved ones, and time for exercise, rest and relaxation.

"Accomplishers" are not super-heroes. They are simply people who take responsibility for managing their time. They are making every moment matter.

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