Turbo Leadership Systems

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February 10, 2009 Issue 212 To our clients and friends

Whiteboard Lists

Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!

Marc, steam plant supervisor for a paper mill in northern Ontario, Canada, told Session 7B of the Leadership Development Lab:

"When I received my red dot at Session 3 to remind me to apply 5 times more enthusiasm toward a project, I told myself that I had to find a better way to get more paperwork done with a much faster response time. I decided to follow an example from Making Moments Matter – 89 Tools For Taking Charge of Your Time. This book is amazing with all its practical examples and real-world tips.

The tool I used was the suggestion of making a list on the whiteboard which is located right in front of the desk in my office. After I made the list, I prioritized my work for the week. The first week was a total disaster. I couldn't help looking at the list. In spite of the list being in plain view right there in front of me, I kept doing other things, the 'urgent' things, the easy things, the things circumstances and other people seemed to be calling me to do – maybe the things that were easiest, maybe the things I do just out of habit. I didn't give up. Before going home that first Friday, I reprioritized my list for the following week. I had thirteen items on my new list. By the following Friday all items were done except

for one, which was out of my control. Yeah!

Last week, a spare list employee, as a joke, in front of a group of my department employees said, 'Marc must be a real pain to work for because whenever he wants something done, it's never fast enough.' One of my workers replied, 'No, not anymore. He has changed.'

The lesson I learned from this experience is that when I have a plan and don't succeed, not to give up or beat myself up. Instead I need to try again. The action I call you to take is to use a list; make a list of everything you need to achieve this week. After you have made your list, prioritize it. You will be surprised at the outcome. You will start putting behind you the things that have been dogging you for months if not years. The benefit you will gain is you will accomplish a lot more of your important tasks and your people will notice. You will gain a sense of achievement and personal power."

Marc changed and you can change too. It all starts with a desire to improve, a desire to perform at a higher level. Maximize your desire with five times more enthusiasm and people will notice that you are a new improved you.
