Turbo Leadership Systems

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May 10, 2011 Issue 329 To our clients and friends

"Good Luck To You On That"

Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

Say 'Thank You' for all feedback

I received the following email from Toby Olsen, Sales & Marketing Manager of the Quality Inn & Suites in Everett, Washington. Mr. Olsen was responding to my comments on their customer satisfaction survey. I honestly don't remember what I said. From his response, I must have had some complaints. I do remember and will remember for some long while his generous response.


You recently completed a survey in regard to your stay with us. I appreciate your feedback, and I am troubled by the fact that you did not have a perfect stay with us. I appreciate your comments, and I have addressed these with the staff. I hope that you will try us again, and I would like to offer you a special discount on a future stay. Please call me and I will take care of your reservation.

Have A Great Day,

Toby Olsen
Sales & Marketing
Quality Inn & Suites

When I'm back in the Everett area for the evening, I will certainly give his hotel much higher consideration than others. Receiving complaints, having dissatisfied, complaining customers is part of dealing with the public. There will never be a time when we will not have complaining customers. In spite of this reality, I'm continually amazed at the ineptness of many, if not most people who deal with the public in their response to complaints. The attached YouTube video is a graphic example of the high cost of not managing complaints properly [http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo&NR=1].

In my book, Repeat Business – 6 Steps to Superior Customer Service, we give a 5- step pristine process for responding to complaints. Unfortunately, reading the book hardly ensures that when we're pressed and stressed, we will respond with the first of the five steps, a gracious "thank you." What I am sure of is this - the more gracious, skillful and capable you and your team are at handling complaints, the surer you are to turn complaining customers into repeat customers, repeat customers who will sing your praises and provide you with referrals.

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