Did you see the Sunday, January 21, 2007 Oregonian story "A salad please, with a side of cash"? This article features companies including Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Stimson Lumber. These companies are making an effort to help their employees adopt a healthier lifestyle. The companies featured are looking for alternative, positive ways to solve the problems many companies are experiencing with absenteeism, and what some authors are now calling presenteeism. We all know the high cost of absenteeism, persons who don't show up as scheduled. Attendance issues have become an increasingly challenging problem for many organizations. Presenteeism is defined as people who show up for work but are non-productive because of health issues, lack of energy, lack of stamina, overweight or just simply out of shape. To read this article, click here.
For over 21 years, Turbo Leadership Systems has worked with the executive and expanded leadership teams of companies who believe that their human resource is their most important resource. Though the direct intention of our training is not to help people adopt weight loss programs, quit smoking or chewing, start walking, working out or jogging, we've had thousands of Lab participants over the past 21 years do just that; quit smoking, quit chewing, start jogging, walking, and working out. Our Lab
graduates have collectively lost thousands of pounds.
The primary emphasis of Turbo's training is strengthening communication skills, opening lines of communication, improving trust, and developing healthy relationships. The ultimate direct benefit is a healthier corporate culture that performs more successfully to win and keep wowing customers at greater profits.
We live in a world where our mental, emotional, and physical health is determined more by our relationships than any other single factor. When it comes to job stress, it's not caused by the work people do; it is caused by a lack of communication or cooperation with subordinates, coordinates, or supervisors. This stress leads to low job performance, absenteeism, and unwanted turnover.
If you would like to help your team perform at a higher level and enjoy a healthier lifestyle which will create a more empowered culture that performs at higher levels, call for a 50-minute workshop executive briefing entitled "Energizing Your Workforce for Exceptional Performance".