Turbo Leadership Systems

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March 29, 2012 Issue 373 To our clients and friends

Staying Afloat

Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

What is important ~ form or function?

John, sub assembly leadman of a barge manufacturer, told our Leadership Development Lab (LDL):

"In mid-summer of 1989, I was working in a small job shop in Sandy, Oregon. A friend and co-worker owned a small hydroplane race boat. On break we were visiting about our plans for the upcoming weekend and he asked me if I would like to go to a boat race as one of his crew members. I said, 'You bet. Count me in.'

"The following Saturday I was a little surprised when his brother, Richard, showed up all the way from California with his hydroplane just for the weekend's races. On the third lap of his time trial, he bumped into another boat and put a good sized hole in the hull of 'our' boat. It looked like it was all over. If he dropped out of the race he would lose the money all contenders receive for competing in the race. California is a long way to come for nothing. I had never raced before or been part of a boat race crew team. After I took a careful look at the whole situation, I took the chance of suggesting what could have seemed like a dumb idea. I suggested patching the hole with duct tape. My friend and his brother quickly explained how much their boat was worth, to dramatize the risk involved and the loss if it sunk. I said, 'What are you going to do, just give up and go home?' They decided to try my crazy idea and we did our best at duct-taping the hole. We not only ran the next day, we won the race and set a new water speed record on the lake for our class competition.

"The lesson I learned from this experience is that even if I don't have a lot of background in a certain field, it doesn't hurt to voice my opinion. I may be right and my suggestion could help my team win the race and save the day.

"The actions I call you to are:

  1. Don't wait until you are an expert to make suggestions.
  2. Encourage your new crew members--who have the advantage of 'beginner minds' to make suggestions.

You will gain a competitive advantage; you and your team will win the innovation race."

Make no mistake about it; you and your team are in an innovation race. The future belongs to the organization that can out-innovate the competition. What is innovation? It is the ability to look at an established method or process and do it differently - better. With innovation you reduce costs and speed up response times while improving quality. The need for innovation has never been greater and the source of innovation is no longer just the captain of the boat. Every crew member must be asked for and expected to provide innovative breakthrough ideas.

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"What Would Steve Jobs Do? ~

Creative Innovation Gives You Sustainable Competitive Advantage"

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