Turbo Leadership Systems

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Issue 23 To our clients and friends November 30, 2004
Differing Employee Values
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

If you treat everyone the same — you are treating most people wrong.

Many managers struggle today with the different values and agendas of their employees. There are several groups to consider when facing this challenging issue. Each of these groups has a name but I will spare you the jargon of mentioning them. Each of these groups have their own unique history, agendas, role models, expectations, emotional needs, career objectives and personal life style desires, in a word values.

There is the:
- the under 30 crowd
- the over 55 crowd
- the 65 and over crowd
- the prima-donnas
- the males/females depending on which you are
- the under-educated crowd
- the part-timers
- the techno gurus
- the empowered folks
- the group that feels entitled
- the work at home group
And too many others to mention.

Each of these groups has:
- unique objectives
- different agendas
- varying attitudes
- special expectations
- different histories
- differing values
- special desires
- individual role models
- uncertain futures
- unique problems/challenges
- special needs
- different levels of experience
- varying degrees of education
- a wide range of work ethic definitions
And so on . . .

So, how do empowering leaders effectively motivate, supervise, discipline, coach, train and develop members of each of these groups?

Here are a few things to consider:

1. Remember everyone can make a contribution.

2. No one is irreplaceable.
3. Everyone has a right to be treated with respect.
4. Differences and different viewpoints can add value to your organization.
5. Don't try and force a fit if the person just isn't right for any reason.
6. Sometimes it is better for everyone if certain people were sent on their way.
7. Most people are doing the best they can with what they have at the time.
8. If you haven't trained them, you don't have a right to expect miracles.
9. People tend to behave consistently with the prevailing corporate culture.
10. People's lives change. What was important yesterday may not be today.
11. You get the behavior you reward.
12. Everyone is special and unique - not good or bad - just different.
13. No one is indispensable.
14. No one will work for you forever.
15. People have personal lives that may be in conflict with their career or job.
16. If you are having problems with any group of employees, look in the mirror first.
17. If you have hired under pressure, if you have hired beneath your standards, you deserve what you get.
18. Employee performance is a function of a person's self-esteem.
19. The job of a leader is not to motivate employees but to create a positive motivational climate.
20. All culture, communication, management style, etc. are top-down, not bottom-up issues.

How do the 15 Leadership Principles apply? Take a close look and you will agree that when you live from and consistently apply the 15 Leadership Principles, all these employee groups have their needs met and you are an Empowering Leader.
