Turbo Leadership Systems

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January 31, 2012 Issue 365 To our clients and friends


Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership

Go the extra mile; others will follow.

Followers, by nature, are volunteers; you can't force someone to follow you. You can push from behind, but you can't force people to follow you. The most important quality of leadership, the one quality for which you want to be known, is extraordinary performance that achieves extraordinary results. These results then serve as an inspiration to others to perform at equally exceptional levels. People attribute leadership to those they feel can most enable them to achieve important objectives.

The most desired quality or attribute of leadership is respect. We develop great belief in those people we feel we can count on to help us achieve what is important to us. Leaders whose area, department, or division set new records develop influence in the minds and hearts of the team.

Leaders who are responsible for companies or departments that achieve high levels of profitability develop charisma. They develop what is called the "halo effect". They are perceived as extraordinary performers who are capable of great things. Their shortcomings are deemphasized, while their strong points are magnified. They become charismatic.

Charisma comes from working on yourself. It comes from liking and accepting yourself unconditionally as you do and say the things that develop within you a powerful, charismatic personality.

When you set clear goals and become determined and purposeful, backing those goals with unshakable self-confidence, you develop charisma. When you are enthusiastic and excited about what you are doing, when you are totally committed to achieving something worthwhile, you radiate charisma. When you take the time to study and become an expert at what you do, and prepare thoroughly for any opportunity to use your knowledge, skill and experience, the perception that others have of you goes straight up.

When you take complete responsibility without making excuses or blaming others,

you experience a sense of control that leads to the personal power that is the foundation of charisma. When you look like a winner in every respect, when you have the kind of external image others admire, you build your charisma. When you develop your character by setting high standards and then disciplining yourself to live consistently with those highest principles, you become the kind of person who is admired and respected. You become the kind of person who radiates charisma.

Finally, when you concentrate your energies on achieving the results you have been hired to accomplish, you develop the reputation for performance and achievement that leads to the perception of charisma.

Introducing Turbo's New
Strategic Execution Summit (SES)

Your executive team executes at record high levels.

A dynamic, aligning process to blend your manager's energies and leverage your collective strengths.

• Craft a compelling "Vision of Victory" to blast past the "stories" that block the forward thrust of your team.
• Create a galvanizing mission "slogan" that motivates, builds pride, and pulls your entire organization together.
• Define excellence for every role.
• Develop individual, specific 3-step action plans to ensure performance matches agreed-to measures of excellence.

SES creates aligned energy to ensure the highest levels of execution.

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