Robin, accounting manager for an aggregate and paving company in Redmond, Oregon, told session nine of the Leadership Development Lab:
"For the last three weeks, I have been cross-training our office manager, Christie, in preparing payroll with our newly installed accounting software. Our payroll process software is complex so I broke the training down into sections to avoid overwhelming her. Too much information at once often leads to confusion and frustration for the trainee.
"The first section was time card entry and processing. Before beginning the training, I sat down and thought through the process, writing down each step as I worked through it. Writing out each step helped me clarify my thoughts about our payroll process that has evolved over the past several years. Most of what I do for weekly payroll occurs automatically so I needed to carefully document the process so that I could be as clear as possible in my thinking and communication. I didn't want to pass on confusing misinformation. The process flowchart I developed also gave me something for Christie to follow along with, as I was showing her each step of the process. After three weeks of training, she was able to get through the time card entry with minimal corrections. We could then move on to the next step - setting up a new employee in our system. Again, before we began I wrote out the steps and documented the process in writing to make it easy for her to follow. She is learning quickly with minimal stress on either of us.
"The lesson I learned from this experience is the importance of preparing myself by putting in some time before I begin training another person. I need to make sure I am crystal clear in my own understanding of what I am training. I learned that good training takes a little extra work before the training begins. When I think through what I am training and take the time to document the process before starting the training it makes it easier for me and for my trainee.
"The action I call you to take is think through and document your processes thoroughly before commencing training.
"The benefit you will gain is you will pass on accurate, easy to understand information. Your trainee will be confident in you as their trainer. Your trainee will gain real confidence and enthusiasm in the new job you have trained them to do."
For over thirty years Turbo Leadership Systems TM has been helping clients document their processes. It is always exciting to see the improvement in speed, accuracy, communication, and teamwork that results. Our clients experience reduced costs that always occur when a team takes the time to study their processes.
Kick of your fourth-quarter with a turbo charged boost!
Tuesday, Sept 4 Vancouver, Washington - Heathman Lodge
Wednesday, Sept 5 Wilsonville, Oregon - Holiday Inn
Thursday, Sept 6 Bend, Oregon - Shilo Inn
5:59pm - 8:59pm
This FREE session is for all
Leadership Development Lab graduates
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership Systems
reduced costs always occur
—Larry W. Dennis, Sr. President Turbo Leadership Systems