Will, the Lofting Supervisor for a barge construction company, told the Leadership Development Lab (LDL):
"About three years ago our barge construction company decided to take the lofting department from the manual methods of the 1970's into the modern technologies of the 1990's, and hopefully on into the 21st Century by switching from handmade drawings and 1/10 scale lofting to computerized lofting. It was important for us to take this giant step without breaking our stride.
"Our management team decided that an experienced marine and loft person would be more capable of adapting to a computer environment than a computer person would be at learning and adapting to a marine environment. I was relieved and excited. This meant that I could keep my job, learn a whole new technology, and expand on my experience.
"So we could make this new concept successful, the company bought me a 486 computer with a 21" screen, three fairly intense software programs (one that was still in the development stage), and simultaneously, a new barge job for us to deliver to our customer on time. We never build any slack time into our schedules and our customers never order a barge until they need it! The company allowed for me to have the time and money necessary to gain the education needed to make our new concept and practices a reality.
"During the design and construction phase of the barge, I was putting in approximately 50-60 hours per week and then went to school in the evenings, including labs, sometimes until 11:30pm and getting up at 4:30 the next morning to come back to work. In the early stages, I would write down 8 hours for pay and put in 10 hours work, not necessarily because I am a company man, but because I have a certain standard within myself. If the company is willing to take a chance on me, I will do whatever it takes to succeed.
"I am proud of the framed certificates hanging on my wall, certificates that acknowledge that I was successful in my course work. I received an 'A' in all but one class that I received a 'B' in.
"I feel I have made myself and the company more competitive in an unsure economy that will keep us both afloat and ahead of the competition.
"The action I call you to take is look, take an honest, hard look at the methods you are using and the knowledge base you are operating from. Ask yourself if you will be able to successfully compete with your knowledge base in the decade ahead. If you can't say 'yes' with your current level of knowledge, 'yes' emphatically, then go out today and enroll in a class, get the knowledge, the skill, and the tools you will need to succeed in our increasingly competitive world economy.
"The benefit you will gain is a greater sense of security and confidence. You will feel on top of things. You will be Turbo Charged!"
The Leadership Development Lab (LDL) dramatically enhances your leadership team's ability to give supportive feedback, build trust, gain respect, sell ideas and empower others for improved results.
Turbo Leadership Systems approach maximizes participation and minimizes interruption to work. Your managers make the biggest investment, the investment of their time. We make every moment matter, ensuring the time invested pays back dividends quickly and are sustained.
Class size is limited, so call 503-691-2867 or email admin@turbols.com today!
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
President, Turbo Leadership Systems©
Help your Estimators, PMs, PEs, Superintendents, Formen, Safety Directors and staff beat the bid!
Turbo's Leadership Development Lab (LDL) gets proven results and we're bringing it back to Salem. SCE is sponsoring our next class starting soon. Contact Admin@TurboLS.com for details!