A few days ago, I pulled into Publix, our favorite grocery store in downtown Loganville Georgia. We drive by a Kroger and a Walmart on our way to Publix. We like the store's smaller size, and they have a better fruit selection. There are no self-checks, eight check stands, most are open with short lines. Their baggers are quick, friendly, and always ask if we would like help out to the car.
Donna Lee sent me in by myself because there were just a few things to grab. I know it was a few things because the total was only $85. It's the first time we've gotten groceries for under $100 in a long time.
As I was walking by the deli, I noticed a fellow, who looked like the manager talking with one of the store personnel. I overheard a little of the conversation something about, ". . . you are better, faster at making sandwiches than, (he gestured over toward another employee) I'd like you to give him some training on how to make sandwiches."
I know nothing more about the situation. It made me wonder what kind of training this person will receive. No doubt the manager has a good reason for having confidence in the person he assigned to do the training job. His confidence is based on their competency at making sandwiches. Both you and I know that does not mean that they have confidence or competence in this new, expanded trainer role. If this training isn't done properly, the person being trained could see this as criticism (sort of being told they don't know how to make a sandwich). If the training is conducted correctly, the trainee will see the extra training as a compliment. They will see the training as an expression of, "We believe in you." They will see it as a form of acknowledgement.
80% of on-the-job training is below par. People are being assigned jobs for which they were given little training. They struggle, feel like they're failures.
I outlined the proper way to conduct on-the-job training in Chapter 12: Seeing How-To of Language of Leadership: Communicating for Results. Reading this chapter will be a great start to improving your on-the-job training immediately. Unless you carefully study, you will miss the nuances essential to great on the job training.
It's not enough to just tell them what you want them to do or show them what you want to do. Believe it or not, it's not enough to show and tell them. These are good first steps and are a big step in the right direction.
Look around you and honestly ask the question, "Who on my team could benefit from a little more training?" If you're honest, you'll observe some or several. Then, go to work at it, give them the best training you know how. They'll be glad you did. Your performance and morale will improve.
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership Systems
Larry W. Dennis, Sr. is available for private, in-company leadership development programs.
Please contact Larry at 503-329-4519 or Larry@turbols.com for more information.
—Larry W. Dennis, Sr. President Turbo Leadership Systems