"Yahoo it's '22! Now what are you going to do?" No one crosses the threshold of a new year with indifference. I may be one of the last to wish you a happy new year.
As I was out shopping New Year's Eve, I gave that greeting to many people, and that night as the fireworks went off again, I said to our neighbors and family, “Happy New Year!” What is the operative word in this greeting? Over the years in my New Year's talks, I have asked this question of hundreds, if not thousands, of leaders. The most common answer is happy. The correct answer is not happy. The operative word is NEW.
So, how then do you wake up – snap out of it? Break the chains that bind? All you have to do to wake up in '22, is to write out 22 Do's you'd like to do in '22. You can write out more than '22. I have. These become your "22 Do's To Make '22 New."
Just a reminder, there are seven areas of our lives we all want to express ourselves in. “Do's” – actions are how we express ourselves. These seven areas of expression include social, mental, spiritual, financial, family, physical and career.
As an example, here are a few of my Do's in '22:
Physical - Stretching 22 minutes a day walk 44 minutes a day
Financial - How much money I want to give to charity
Spiritual - 22 minutes in prayer or meditation per day
Mental - 44 minutes in reading every day, 2, 200 words
Family - The ways I will stay in touch with our grandchildren
Career - What I will study to stay up with the modern day
Social - 22 outreach meetings in '22
Your list is your list. It's just deciding what you will do to make your '22 new.
Now, this is the final and most important thing to do to make your 22 “yahoo” new year. Review your list of 22 To Do's eleven minutes in the morning and eleven minutes at night. I know this is a break in your routine. This will require a change in your lifestyle. Taking these few minutes to reflect on your day and consider what you really want to do in '22 each morning, and consciously reflecting at close of day, results in your subconscious preparing you tomorrow and the next day, coming to your aid in the days ahead. You will not drift from pillar to post in 2022.
You will be on purpose and have the stamina that comes from great purpose.
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership Systems
Larry W. Dennis, Sr. is available for private, in-company leadership development programs.
Please contact Larry at 503-329-4519 or Larry@turbols.com for more information.
—Larry W. Dennis, Sr. President Turbo Leadership Systems