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Cultural Benchmark Survey

(CBS) Milepost 1

"The courage to survey our employees, publish the results and leverage the information gained to improve, is the beginning of any genuine quality improvement effort."

What It Is

Turbo's Cultural Benchmark Survey (CBS) is an easy to use, state of the art analytical procedure that allows you to scale the strengths and weaknesses of your organization. The process identifies the priority actions that will help you immediately improve morale, communication and performance. You will see how to reduce frustration and waste immediately, and improve quality, customer satisfaction and profits for the long term.

The CBS process has been tested over the past 18 years with thousands of employees for practicality. This is an opportunity to use a low cost, proven, innovative system that allows you to determine the effectiveness of all your previous improvement efforts and ensure that future training and other quality improvement initiatives are calculated to concentrate on the area that requires the greatest attention for immediate improvement in performance.

How It Works

The CBS removes the fuzzy interpretations of a consultants methods and converts qualitative opinions to quantitative numbers. Each employee is given a 36 question Cultural Benchmark Survey that takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Their opinions remain confidential to ensure honest full disclosure. From this input, Turbo Leadership Systems. creates a detailed benchmark report. Your report includes a graph that scales your organizational culture in these six key areas:


Why It Is Important

In the pressure of daily performance, deep-seated problems, concerns, and opportunities to create breakthroughs can go unnoticed. The CBS process is a way to access these concerns in a confidential, constructive manner. By applying necessary action to priority areas of concern, you immediately improve performance, increase quality and profitability.

You now know with certainty that the training and other quality initiatives you are taking are calculated for maximum return on your investment.

Through annual review, you can celebrate your successes, and adjust your quality improvement effort as needed to ensure your continuous improvement.

CBS Summary

A SURVEY OF RESULTS OF USING SURVEYS of employee attitudes has just been completed and analyzed by Ketchum MacLeod & Grove Public Relations (KM & GPR), Pittsburgh, PA. The firm interviewed the heads of personnel, industrial relations, or employee relations departments of a cross section of ten percent of the Fortune 500 companies. Those chosen employ from 950 to 50,000 blue-collar and 250 to 52,000 white-collar workers and 83% are unionized. The findings reveal that, among those which have unions and do NOT conduct surveys, 48% had one or more strikes during the last six years. On the other hand, only 24% of the unionized companies which DO use attitude surveys had strikes. Approaching the findings from an overall basis, KM & GPR discovers that, of all companies which had had a strike during the six year period, only 36% had conducted an employee-attitude survey during the preceding twelve months. Another finding is that those companies which have conducted regular surveys attribute to them almost a plethora of benefits, including changes in management policies and procedures which have lead to improved employee morale and productivity.

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Wade Mosby

Senior Vice President, Collins Products

"I knew we would gain valuable insights from our first Turbo Cultural Benchmark Survey four years ago. The impact far exceeded my expectations. In subsequent surveys, we have seen consistent improvements in scores reflecting employee opinions. The process has helped us find ways to improve communication and operation effectiveness. Our managers have recognized the need to change in ways that have resulted in improved morale, lower costs and better use of all resources. This has allowed us to provide higher levels of customer service while improving our financial performance. We continue to use the Cultural Benchmark Survey process annually."

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