After David Wilkins, President & CFO of Big Office Man, LLC read a recent Turbo Charger he sent us the following:
"Great story Larry!
Yesterday I went to my mechanic (who is trained but) a backyard type guy from Romania. I asked him if he had a 'day job.' He said when the pandemic hit, he got a job, and after the boss screamed at him twice, he left his keys on the desk and didn't come back. When the boss asked him if he quit, he said 'yea, I think so.' His boss started to rail about how unprofessional my mechanic was, so he said 'Yes, I definitely quit.' So easy to praise if we just take the time and do it."
This was my response to David:
"Hey David thank you. Your little story might end up being a Turbo Charger. We'll see. Breaks my heart to know what some people have to put up with, or at least do put up with from uncouth, surly managers. I feel like your story has a happy ending because he quit. Good for him."
You may wonder why I call this a "happy ending." It's not at all what either party had in mind when the mechanic joined the firm. The owner hoped the mechanic would do great profitable work and bring in more repeat, referral business. The mechanic expected he would make good money, be a respected part of a winning team. Aren't these the things every owner and employee want?
Frontline supervisors up to senior managers, and small business owners who have risen through the ranks, are often Type-A personalities. They're aggressive self-directed, high-energy, determined, goal-oriented, and more. These positive qualities, when taken to excess, become weaknesses. Managers who learn to live by 15 Leadership Principles (beginning with Leadership Principal #1: Lead from High Ideals - treating others with respect and dignity), earn the right to lead.
Ask yourself, "How can I get into the other person's shoes?" Leadership Principle #5: See Their Point of View. What are the best ways to do this? Leadership Principle #6: Become an Active Listener, reducing your penchant for Leadership Principle #3: Criticizing, Condemning, and Complaining, and Leadership Principle # 4: Provide Acknowledgement. These are good places to begin.
So why does the story have a happy ending? If everyone stopped putting up with bullying, abusive behavior the mechanic was experiencing, and stood their ground, those bullies of the world would have no one left to bully.
Make these Leadership Principles a part of the fabric of your life. You will see a reduction in turnover. The next thing you know, a line will form outside your door of qualified people who want to be a part of your team. This will be one of the happiest days of your life.
provides the insights, understanding and tools you need to being out the best in your team. You'll learn how to inspire team members to maximize their contributions and secure their enthusiastic commitment so results exceed your highest expectations.
Now available in paperback, audible and Ebook formats!
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership Systems
Larry W. Dennis, Sr. is available for private, in-company leadership development programs.
There will be no public classes until further notice.
Please contact Larry at 503-329-4519 or for more information.
—Larry W. Dennis, Sr. President Turbo Leadership Systems