(continued from The Ripple Effect Volume X, Issue 856 July 27, 2021...)
Dick said my Sales Course™ territory was everything south of 6 Mile and west of Southfield Rd.
I began systematically knocking on every business's door on Southfield Rd., working my way one block south of 6 Mile in a grid pattern. At the next road, I made a right turn working one block west, then making a right turn back north to 6 Mile and another right turn back to Southfield Rd. I called on every business that looked like they might have outside salesmen. I was looking for companies with five or more salesman that Dick could conduct a free 50-minute introductory workshop for.
My guiding philosophy was, when in doubt, go inside, look for a magazine, ask for the name on the mailing label. If no magazine was available, I'd ask for the sales manager. If they had no salesforce, I'd call on the business next door.
The third week, I stopped at a real estate office. The broker told me about the Southwest Real Estate Association (SWREA)®. As it turns out, it was the second largest real estate association in the United States. That evening when I debriefed with Dick, I asked him if the broker was just trying to get rid of me. We decided it would be smart to check in with the SWREA executive to see what we could make happen. I set up the appointment, Dick and I went to see him. We secured the sponsorship of a morning real estate sales class to be conducted at their facility.
My first month I scheduled three workshops. The next month I scheduled 18. I had up to three workshops scheduled every Tuesday morning, others scheduled Monday through Friday. Everyone in our office who was qualified (that counted me out) was conducting the workshops I scheduled. My second month, I had 38 enrollments outperforming all five of our salesmen combined. Now, I was qualified to conduct my own workshops.
Most of the 50-minute workshops were conducted at about 8 o'clock in the morning. We were still living in Ann Arbor. I was leaving the house around 6:00AM, conducting workshops to sell Sales Course™ enrollments during the day. I assisted in the instruction of the Sales Course one or two nights a week, taking the regular course one night a week, and getting home around 11:30 PM. Full days, busy days. I was on the fast track.
The lesson I learned from this experience is the importance of leaning forward – taking the first step and then the next.
The action I call you to take is lean forward, take the next stretching steps toward your goals today. You'll be amazed as your dreams come true.
Larry W. Dennis, Sr.
Turbo Leadership Systems
Larry W. Dennis, Sr. is available for private, in-company leadership development programs.
Please contact Larry at 503-329-4519 or Larry@turbols.com for more information.
—Larry W. Dennis, Sr. President Turbo Leadership Systems